Ants in Your Pants? At Least Some Won’t Bite

If you live on planet Earth, chances are you will encounter an ant in your home – as there are more than 12,000 species of them in the world. Fortunately, we only have to deal with a handful of them in Central Florida.
Some ants are just pests, but others can cause serious damage to your home and property. For effective ant control, professional intervention is crucial to avoid expensive structural damage or health risks to you and your family.
Ants Commonly Found in Central Florida
Ants vary in size and color, but they usually have segmented bodies with six legs and two pairs of antennae. Some of the most common types of ants in Central Florida include:
- Odorous house ants: known as “skunks of the ant world.” emit a foul-smelling liquid when squished, earning their name.
- Pharaoh ants: attracted to sugary foods, often infiltrate pantries and build nests in wall voids or cabinet spaces, favoring warm, moist environments. They are notorious for spreading diseases.
- Fire ants: characterized by their painful stings, establish colonies outdoors but may venture indoors in search of food, posing a threat to humans.
- Carpenter ants: with their powerful mandibles, nest within rotting or water-damaged wood, posing a risk to structural integrity and causing painful bites if threatened.
Nuisance Ants vs. Dangerous/Destructive Ants
Ants fall into one of two categories: nuisance or dangerous/destructive.
Nuisance ants (like odorous house ants) are generally not harmful to property or humans, but they can contaminate food sources and spread disease-carrying pathogens. Although pharaoh ants are often categorized as a nuisance ant, they are considered to be dangerous because they contaminate food sources and can bud. When an ant colony buds, workers and one queen migrate from the original colony and form a new colony of their own. This can result in the formation of multiple colonies on your property.
Pharaoh ants are especially harmful in hospitals as they carry and spread highly contagious diseases such as salmonella and streptococcus.
On the other hand, dangerous/destructive ants such as fire ants and carpenter ants pose a threat of painful stinging and property destruction.
Ant Control Tips and Prevention Techniques
No matter what kind of ant you are dealing with, it’s important to avoid infestations. Take the following precautions:
- Store food in tightly-sealed containers.
- Promptly clean spills from countertops and floors.
- Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink.
- Repair leaky pipes and fixtures.
- Install door sweeps and seal cracks in the foundation.
- Fit screens on windows and exterior doors.
Ant Control & Treatment
When facing an ant infestation, seeking professional assistance is the wisest course of action. Contact us at Termite Lawn and Pest for comprehensive pest control services. Our experienced team can effectively eliminate ant infestations, safeguarding your home and family. Don’t let ants get the better of you—call us today! (407) 447-7378